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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Spankin da Donkey # 01

Landslide @ Putrajaya

Samy said "we have informed PJ Holding July last year"
PJ Holding said "no comment yet"
Minister said "we will investigate if there were/was report from Samy to PJ Holding
SYABAS said "where got leaking one, we always check what... but now we will check more"
Apa cerita diorang ni?

TELEKOM MALAYSIA - opening possibilities
Me (calling from my hp)
VM (voice machine)
She (the TM operator)

me : dial 103

VM : welcome to tm directory, press 1 for english, press 2 for melayu ( i think so, something like thatlah)

me : press for the melayu button

she : (the machine lah) selamat memanggil tm directory xxxx sedia membantu

me : saya nak nombor talipon 3 hotel ni lah cik.....

she : maaf encik, kalau encik panggil ikut hp, kami hanya boleh beri 1 nombor

me : hah???

she : kalau encik panggil ikut hp, kami cuma boleh bagi 1 nombor, tapi kalau encik panggil dari fix line kami boleh bagi 3 nombor

me : sejak bila?

she : memang macam ni encik

me : lawaknya...

she : encik nak ke tak nak n0mbor?

me : bagi saya nombor pj hilton

she : sila ambil nombor encik....

VM : nombor yang anda kehendaki ialah XXXXXXXXX

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Good Sundae

Cycled up to Bkt Puteri with Hamdan, damned....terok sungguh, but good ride. Received our first applicant for Duniaku today.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Laptop baru

Amrul dapat laptop baru, Ceria gila muka dia. Anis mesti tengah tension lagi, ajak pegi karaoke.

Friday, March 9, 2007

1st one

Dave, my first ever blog is dedicated for you. Cepat sembuh and get back to what you love to do....