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Saturday, October 27, 2007

Good times?

NST Sunday Oct 28.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

To all the slitches in the galaxy

A woman has two smiles that an angel might envy, the smile that accepts a lover before words are uttered, and the smile that lights on the first born babe, and assures it of a mother's love.

~Thomas Chandler Haliburton~

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Open your heart before you open your house

How many open house invitation have you received so far? Who are you inviting for your open house?

Trapped in the situation of who to invite? Or which house to go? Worst still, if caught in between cold war of friends or relative?

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Bantuan akan diberi selepas..........................

Did anyone watch MRI @ Astro Ria tonite? An Old lady left to look after herself and her retarded adopted grandchildren. And guess what did Majlis Agama director said to the reporter regarding the assistance to be rendered?

"We will hand out the assistance after the Hari Raya holiday"

There you are .....

Show Must Go On...........

Spent the afternoon @ Maz's place to sort out the concert stuff. I think the whole drama surrounding this concert makes her stronger.

The massage session was the most painful so far. many poison in my body system.

Friday, October 19, 2007

The price of friendship

How would you feel when the collection of your adultlife passion and dedication gone.....? What would you do if it was done by a very dear friend of yours? How would you treat your friendship after this?

I am still trying to find the answer. Angry? Yes I am.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The days ahead

It's not a sin to go down, but it's a sin to stay down

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Not enough

There goes another Ramadhan and by far the most fulfilling Ramadhan in my life. I have met someone who gave me the keinsafan about what love is all about. She is innocent and pure. She is quiet but like to smile. How I wish I can take her home and look after her. To Adik Munir, many thanks from me. To all my friends who looked after her during the berbuka event, only Allah knows how much I insaf and appreciate your kindness.

This year must also be the most membazir Ramadhan for Malaysians in my living memory. Paying more than RM100 for berbuka? What have we become? Price control? Only when there's media to shoot. We're in for become big time suckers....

Did anyone saw NST today? Datuk Z's pondok for your view. No comment!!!

The days left behind

Alhamdulillah, the berbuka with PERNIM kids made me so proud of all my friends. I can only pray and believe God will reward them all. Munir was there, she made me cry for the first time this year and she did it the second time. Maybe she doesn't know it yet, but she have a very very strong heart to live. I wish and hope to be as strong as her. I really do.

The trip to Nice went well. The presentation by Greece by far the most impressive one. Duniaku received strong applause from everyone and I am happy. Finally, 4 month of sacrifice paid off.

But, as soon I reached KL, it felt empty. I just don't know what happen.... and when Munir comes into mind, I just cried.

Ya Allah, give me the will and strength...